Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We Have Fertilized Eggs!

On Sunday I said God was telling us that my eggs were fabulous (hello, look at Mackinley, she's pretty freaking awesome!) so why waste a whole bunch of them when we only need a few. And now I am starting to think I am onto something there! Because all three of my eggs fertilized! I can hardly believe it!I was so preparing myself for bad news, and I am sitting here a little numb and in shock now. 

I know we still have several other hurdles to clear. The eggs could not grow, or start growing and then stop. Or we could implant but not end up with a pregnancy. Or we could get pregnant and then miscarry. There are still so many things that could happen, I know that. But for right now, I am going to be happy! No, I am going to be ecstatic! I am relieved and calm for the first time in over a week, and I am going to enjoy it. My mom always says don't borrow trouble. So I'm going to be a good girl and listen to my mommy. Things may go wrong, and I will be upset, but why be upset for longer than necessary.

For the details: Today is considered day one, and w will not hear from the clinic tomorrow (day 2.) We are tentatively scheduled for a day 3 transfer on Friday. But, if Friday morning the eggs are still looking good and growing vigorously, then we will wait and transfer on Sunday (day 5.) The embryologist will call us as early as she possibly can on Friday to let us know if we are going to postpone. So we are going to go ahead and plan for Friday, but know that it might get pushed to Sunday at the last second.

From what I understand, after consulting Dr. Google, a day 5 transfer is better. But if the eggs aren't growing as well as they would like, then we will transfer on day 3 in hopes that putting them in a more natural like environment will help them thrive. I am just trusting Dr. C to do what will give us the best chances possible. We are going to him because he is considered one of the best, so I am going to trust him.

Now grow babies, grow!!!

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